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Aug 23, 2024
In After Action Reports
“He Must Get Out!” Game Day August 10, 2024   On the evening of June 23, 1943, the IJN seaplane tender Koopa Maru was sailing in the channel off of Vella Lavella when a rogue tidal surge washed the ship up upon a sand bar.  To make matter worse, the ship was turned about and the bow was facing towards the water so that the 2 seaplanes on it were not able to take off.  The sand bar was near the islet of Ni’Ntendo which was the 64th islet located along the eastern coast of Vella Lavella.  It was therefore designated N-64.  One of the seaplane pilots was lt. Yoshi Yamamama who was the son of commander Tanooki Yamamama, the captain of the IJN DD Sakkapu.  When the elder Yamamama heard what happened to his son, he immediately ordered a course change to rendezvous with the hapless Koopa Maru.   Nearing the channel where the Koopa was, the navigator of the DD did sounding measurements and found that the DD was not able to navigate the shallow channel.  He anchored the DD at the far end of the channel.  Cmdr. Yamamama then ordered any launch to help the seaplane tender get free.  Unfortunately, the Sakkapu was on a covert mission to launch suicide boats against a US Task Force on the other side of the island.  The launches were replaced by these suicide boats.  When told of the situation, Cmdr. Yamamama ordered the suicide boats out to help the stranded Koopa Maru knowing they would be of little use.   In referring to his son, Yamamama said “He must get out!”.   The Japanese radio messages were intercepted and decoded by the cypher unit on Guadalcanal.  Word was sent out immediately to the PT boat anchorage on Rendova Island to intercept and possibly capture the Koopa Maru.  Since it was still night, no aircraft were able to be sent out from Fighter One airfield on Guadalcanal.  An F4U corsair was ordered to take off at first light.   However, the second part of the message concerning the IJN DD was never received.  The PT boats would be rushing down the gullet of a firing breathing dragon.   So, the situation at the beginning of the game has the Sakkapu anchored across one of the shore edges of the board.  The Koopa Maru is stranded two thirds of the long length of the board near the destroyer.  Comin up from the other short end of the board is a squadron of 8 PT boats racing towards the Koopa. And finally, are 6 suicide boats screaming towards the Koopa launched from the destroyer.  Let the game begin!   Combatants:                 IJN                                 Cmdr. Tanooki Yamamama – Sam Becker                                 Suicide boat captain – Bob Denny                 USN                                 Lt. JFK – John Goodhand                                 Lt. Dan Bowser – Chris Tighe                                 PBY pilot (observation) – Phill Willows     Turn 1 The two squadrons of PT’s are entering the channel.  Visibility is obscured for the first 2 turns.  JFK controls the white and red squadron and Bowser controls the yellow and green.  In the right background is the beached Seaplane Tender (near the Diet Doctor Pepper lighthouse!). Here we see The IJN Sakkapu searching for the beached Seaplane Tender.  The Shin’yo boats have just been launched.         The PT’s are jockeying for position.  They decided to break up and go their separate ways.  Near one of Bowser’s PT is a water plume made front a near hit of the Sakkaku’s front 5” gun.  This is a harbinger for bad things to come to the PT’s.       Here the suicide boats are screaming towards the PT’s.     Turn 2   JFK’s PT’s are advancing towards the DD throwing the victory conditions into the wind.  Bowser’s one green PT was destroyed by a lucky hit form the rear 5” gun of the DD.   The Shin’yo’s continue to scream down the channel! Turn 3 The PT’s are forging ahead despite that the sun is up and visibility is no longer obscured.   On the Japanese side, the Shin’yo’s continue forward screaming down the channel! Turn 4   JFK’s PTs see small wakes to their front.  All the PT’s are advancing.     The Shin’yo’s have spotted the beached seaplane tender and are making way towards it.   Turn 5     The DD fires its dual 5” guns but miss their targets because of the speed of the PTs.   In the meantime, the Shin’yo’s turned away from their mission’s goal and went for the PT’s.      Turn 6 A wild melee ensued with the Shin’yo’s trying the ram the Pt’s and the Pt’s trying to take them out with their 37mm forward guns.      During this battle, PT’s realized they were within long torpedo range of the DD.  So instead of going for their mission’s goal, the US also turned away from their mission’s objective.   4”fish” were launched by the white PT squadron.     Turn 7   The first torpedo salvo continued to close in on the DD.  The white PT squadron lost a ship to the DD’s 5” guns.  The survivor saw read and continued towards the DD to get one close range torpedo salvo in.  The Red Squadron came into position and launched their torpedo salvo.  Bowser’s PT’s were revenge so they continued to pursue the Shin’yo’s.  After losing 1/3 of their force, the Shin’yo’s thought better of it and turned towards the beached seaplane tender.      Turn 8     Out of 8 torpedoes launched, only 2 hit because Yamamama adroitly backed up the DD to avoid them.  The DD was only moderately damaged. The Shin’yo’s finally reached the Seaplane tender and tried to pull if but failed.  Seeing this, Bowser’s PT’s sunk the seaplane tender with their 37mm guns.  So, the Americans yanked the game from the jaws of victory to deposit it into the net of a draw.
He Must Get Out! - A Cruel Seas Scenario. content media
Jul 09, 2024
In After Action Reports
Battle of Villainous Bay For ages, war raged across the border of the Elvish Kingdom of Shanana and the tribal lands of the Duwhop Clan of Orks.    This bitter struggle was hurting both kingdoms.  Both sides wanted peace but both sides were also very, very proud.  Therefore, the side that sued for peace first would be looked upon as the losing party with a concomitant loss of face.   One day, the High Elf strategist Dar’ran approached the high king Ry’dell and broached a plan to end the stalemate.  He said that he had sent overtures threw Dwarf intermediaries to the Orks to negotiate a secret peace treaty.  With this treaty, hostilities would end precisely at noon on Midsummer’s Day with both armies standing down and withdrawing back to their respective capitals.  Once there, their commanders would tell the populace that the enemy army was defeated.  Therefore, both sides could proclaim victory.    However, the Orks never trusted the hoomies and insisted that an emissary be sent to each capital.  This the High Elves agreed to.  It was thought that a sea-route across the Villainous Bay would avoid marching through or around the front lines.  Also, both sides would be ordered to intercept the enemy fleet as it approached their respective shores.  The emissary would be aboard one ship and only the Fleet Commander of each side would know this.  Therefore, the voyage of the emissary would be hidden by the sea battle taking place.   The two fleet were the exact opposite of each other.  The High Elves had elegant catamarans with narrow hulls.  Being arguably the best sailors in the Old World (the Bretonnians would say otherwise) the Elves were able to move twice each turn due to their expertise with the ways of the winds.  The Orks, on the other hand, had huge hulking monstrous machines belching plumes of black smoke and propelled by paddle wheels.   The latter giving their ships the ability to turn in place.   The Game Turn 1 Here both fleets are approaching each other. The Elves had decided to throw all of their eggs into one basket.  I.e. their entire fleet set up onto their left flank.   Many elves questioned this strategy, but Admiral Doobie had a fine reputation.  The orks set up all along their side of the table.  The high Ork Poobah, Sammie Orkichetti looks on. To his right is ‘ead Boater Timmy the sly Orkucci.  He drew up the ork strategy.  But was recovering from a wild night of Snotling throwing.   Here are detailed views of the fleets:     Turn 2   The fleets approach each other at breakneck speed.  The Ork grand poobah looks on pensively. Turn 3  On the Ork’s left flank a suspicious squadron of Drillakillas work their way past the grand poobah.     Turn 4   The suspicious Dillakillas on the ork’s left flank continues their sprint to the board’s edge.  On the right, the Orks are fighting for their lives with a few Big Chukkas and Dillakillas facing the entire High Elf Fleet.  There were fierce boarding actions.  But here the High Elves had larger crews so they were winning the majority of the boarding contests.  Unfortunately, the Orc Hulks were caught out of position and couldn’t get into the fray anytime soon.   Turn 5   The High Elves captured/destroyed 3 Drillakillas and then set their sights on the Big Chukkas.  The High Elf Dragon ship begins to shorten the distance and is ready in get into the fray. On the left, 3 High Elf Eagle ships were seen scurrying to the board edge.  On the Ork left flank, the speedy Dirllakillas had exited the board.    Turn 6   The High Elves had a field day with the boarding actions because of their large crews.  At the game’s end both sides were able to get their emissary off of the board.  But the High Elves destroyed 7 ships with of a loss of only 3 ships.  A High Elf Victory!!
The Battle of Villanous Bay
 content media
Mar 03, 2024
In Upcoming Meetings
Pre-game Briefing   Black September: The Jordanian Civil War, September 1970     By 1970, 66% of the population of Jordan was Palestinian.  Driven out by the Israeli occupation of the West Bank during the 1967 War, the Palestinians settled into refugee camps throughout Jordan.  Also, the Jordanian economy was in a shambles since the country lost a significant amount of agricultural gross national product due to the loss of the West Bank.  This resulted in Jordan’s inability to adequately care for their “guests”.  As a result of this, the Palestinians became increasingly restless.  They started to ignore the laws and talk of Prince Hussein’s assassination.  Into this scene burst Yasser Arafat who promised his people a land of their own.  The only thing was that he did specify where this land was.   The situation worsened as Arafat’s PLO became increasingly belligerent.  Terrorist attacks started to direct the world’s attention to the plight of the Palestinians.  A splinter group of the PLO, led by George Habash, had hijacked 5 airline planes and forced 4 of them to land at Dawson’s Field in Jordan where they were blown up.  The fifth was blown up in Cairo airport.  Their demands were the freedom of PLO prisoners in Switzerland, England and Germany.  During this time, there were two assassination attempts of Prince Hussein.  Things finally came to a head on September 15, 1970 when Arafat declared the northern Jordanian city of Irbid “liberated” and no longer under Jordanian control.  Hussein had had enough and ordered the military to take back the city.  The attack was scheduled for September 16th, but Hussein’s sister-in-law’s fortune teller in London proclaimed that Sept.16th was inauspicious.  Hussein therefore planned the attack on Sept.17th.  The resistance crumbled immediately and Irbid was “cleaned” of Palestinians.    In retaliation, on September 23rd, the Syrian army sent 300 tanks from the mechanized brigade of the 5th Infantry Division across the border many of which displayed the PLO emblem.  In response, the Jordanian 60th Armored Brigade was sent to intercept them.  What followed was a brief but bitter battle of Syrian T-55’s versus Jordanian M-48A2C1’s.  The Syrians then broke off contact and withdrew back over the border. Hussein then ordered the expulsion of all Palestinians from Jordan.     It is to note that prior to the battle, Prince Hussein secretly met with Israeli prime minister Golda Meir to try to arrange a peace treaty but failed.  However, Henry Kissinger was adamant that the Israeli’s should help the Jordanians if pro-Palestinian foreign intervention occurred.  But Richard Nixon discouraged this.  This scenario explores the possibility of Kissinger getting his way with Israeli intervention.
Pre-Game Briefing: Black Septemeber content media
Mar 03, 2024
In Games - Ideas & Planning
Pre-game Briefing Black September: The Jordanian Civil War, September 1970 By 1970, 66% of the population of Jordan was Palestinian. Driven out by the Israeli occupation of the West Bank during the 1967 War, the Palestinians settled into refugee camps throughout Jordan. Also, the Jordanian economy was in a shambles since the country lost a significant amount of agricultural gross national product due to the loss of the West Bank. This resulted in Jordan’s inability to adequately care for their “guests”. As a result of this, the Palestinians became increasingly restless. They started to ignore the laws and talk of Prince Hussein’s assassination. Into this scene burst Yasser Arafat who promised his people a land of their own. The only thing was that he did specify where this land was. The situation worsened as Arafat’s PLO became increasingly belligerent. Terrorist attacks started to direct the world’s attention to the plight of the Palestinians. A splinter group of the PLO, led by George Habash, had hijacked 5 airline planes and forced 4 of them to land at Dawson’s Field in Jordan where they were blown up. The fifth was blown up in Cairo airport. Their demands were the freedom of PLO prisoners in Switzerland, England and Germany. During this time, there were two assassination attempts of Prince Hussein. Things finally came to a head on September 15, 1970 when Arafat declared the northern Jordanian city of Irbid “liberated” and no longer under Jordanian control. Hussein had had enough and ordered the military to take back the city. The attack was scheduled for September 16th, but Hussein’s sister-in-law’s fortune teller in London proclaimed that Sept.16th was inauspicious. Hussein therefore planned the attack on Sept.17th. The resistance crumbled immediately and Irbid was “cleaned” of Palestinians. In retaliation, on September 23rd, the Syrian army sent 300 tanks from the mechanized brigade of the 5th Infantry Division across the border many of which displayed the PLO emblem. In response, the Jordanian 60th Armored Brigade was sent to intercept them. What followed was a brief but bitter battle of Syrian T-55’s versus Jordanian M-48A2C1’s. The Syrians then broke off contact and withdrew back over the border. Hussein then ordered the expulsion of all Palestinians from Jordan. It is to note that prior to the battle, Prince Hussein secretly met with Israeli prime minister Golda Meir to try to arrange a peace treaty but failed. However, Henry Kissinger was adamant that the Israeli’s should help the Jordanians if pro-Palestinian foreign intervention occurred. But Richard Nixon discouraged this. This scenario explores the possibility of Kissinger getting his way with Israeli intervention.
Pre-Game Briefing: Black September, 1970 content media
Dec 11, 2023
In General
Well the club's finances are solid. With paying off all of our obligations for 2024, the bank balance is $794.02. So, we are solvent! Thank you to all of the members who have paid their dues. 9 members have paid so far. The Secret Santa Dice Off was a smashing success. The club took in $152.25. Outstanding! I hope that it proves to be a success for many more years. There are also some possible upcoming expenditures that the club has to decide upon these are: 1. SJGA banner - this is a must if we would like to continue our community outreach program. Having a banner on our demonstration table would give us more visibility and broadcast our identity. 2. Old Glory Army - our hobby is an expensive one. So saving 40% on miniatures halops to defray costs. As always, please ask if you have questions. JohnS
Feb 09, 2023
In After Action Reports
On our GameDay of January 14, 2023. I hosted a Bolt Action 2 Palau Island Assault scenario covering the landing on Ngesebos Island. Background Negesebos is a small island northwest of Pelelieu and connected by a 600-foot wooden walkway built upon an underlying sand bar. Negesebos had a fully functional airstrip built by the Japanese. It is to note that the Japanese were given the Palau Islands as a Protectorate Mandate after the First World War. They therefore occupied Pelelieu and Ngesebos Islands for over 20 years prior to the Marine invasion. They had plenty of time to fortify these islands. The Marines found they were walking into the middle of a hornet’s nest after the invasion started. The Players and OOB USMC – Dick O’Hagan (for real!), Brandon Kordek and Bob Denny. The USMC had: 5x Veteran Reinforced USMC squads 1 NCO with SMG 11 Riflemen 1 Infantryman with BAR 1 Bazooka Team 1st Lt. with pistol 1xChaplain 1xJeep 3 x M4A1 Shermans 3x LVT(A)-4 with 37mm Turret 1x Ronson version LVT(A)-4 1x T10 with 75mm gun IJA – Tim Coakley, Sam Wilson and Sam Barker. The Japanese had: 4x Veteran Infantry squads 1 NCO 7 Infantry with rifle 3x Veteran Infantry squads 1 NCO 6 Infantry with rifle 1 Infantry with LMG 2x Medium Mortar Teams 2x Suicide Anti-tank teams 1x Sniper Team 2x MMG in log bunkers 2x Ha-Go light tanks 1x Shinhoto Medium tank 1x Night Infiltrator squad 1x 75mm Mountain gun 1x 47mm AT gun 7x log bunkers Set-Up Marines started from their long board edge in the water. All LVT’s were able to carry one squad. The USMC players had an option of unloading the squad once ashore then pick up another squad. Or they untransported troops could appear in the shallow water along the board edge. The IJA were all hidden and considered on Ambush orders. The IJA players could place any unit on the board from any USMC squad/vehicle and open fire during the USMC’s movement. The first time they are exposed the IJA must role of the Bombardment Table to see their level of suppression/damage. Once placed, they remained on the board for the whole game. The Game Turn One – The LVT(A)’s slowly churned their way through the surf. No IJA fire was occurred. Turn Two -as the LVT(A)’s hit the beach they began to unload their troops. Sam Barker opened up on his right flank and suppressed the infantry with a MMG in a log bunker. The 47mm shot at the LVT(A) but missed.. SamW fired at Bob’s Ronson but missed. Turn Three – SamB opened up with a MMG in a log bunk and killed more marines and further suppressed them. He fired at the LVT(A) but missed. Dick’s LVT(A)’s continued their procession forward. On the USMC’s right flank, Brandon fired with his Ronson and a gout of flames enclosed SamW’s 47mm AT gun in the long bunker. All of the crew were destroyed. Turn Four – SamW repopulated his 47mm AT gun and fired a revenging shot at the Ronson only to see it sail overhead of the Ronson and explode harmlessly in the shallow water. Brandon then advanced one of his 37mm LVT(A)’s and fired upon SamW, killing the entire crew of SamW’s 47mm AT gun. In the middle of the American’s line, SamB deployed his Sniper and took out one of Dick’s flamethrowers. Not to be deterred, Dick charged his Marines into Tim’s newly deployed group of Japanese infantry at the jungle’s edge and behind a rock wall. A fierce melee broke out that pitted 7 Marines vs 6 Japanese. To make up for SamW’s unlucky dierolls, Tim was able to beat back the marines by his outnumbered Japanese. Turn Five – SamB fired with his 47mm AT gun again but this time Lady Luck was with him and he scored a direct hit onto Dick’s LVT(A) 37mm. It exploded with an orange plume and burned into the night. SamW exposed his Type 95 Ha-Go light tank but did no damage. The USMC continued their slow plod up onto the beach and reached the edge of the jungle. On their right flank, Bob’s Shermans began to penetrate into the jungle. Turn Six – SamW was feeling very vengengeful so he popped up his Shinhoto special medium tank and shot at the Ronson. His luck had apparently changed since he scored a direct hit onto the Ronson and blew it apart! Unfortunately we ran out of time so we had to call the game. I proclaimed a draw since the USMC still had 9 turns to burn, but the IJA reeked much damage upon the American. There were non-rules mechanics of which I took notes on and we discussed scenario dependent rules which would improve playtime. We will revisit Ngesobos sometime again this year!
Resisted Landing at Ngesebos Island, September, 1944 content media
Jan 09, 2023
In After Action Reports
The featured game at our club meeting on Saturday, December 10, was a Battlefleet Gothic battle. It was Scenario Two in the Battlefleet Gothic Remastered rulebook named “The Bait”. It portrayed an element of 2 Imperial Cruisers fleeing from a large pursuing force of Chaos ships. But unbeknownst to Chaos, there was a hidden Imperial counterforce coming to their aid. Backround: Imperial spies had reported the presence of a powerful Chaos talisman on the planet Miix. Rumors had it that this talisman was capable of foretelling the future. Its name was the Pleasure Toe Ring of Drak’hmar. A plan was formulated to insert an Inquisition Assassin Kill Team onto the planet to steal the ring. This they did. And the team rendezvoused with the two Imperial ships hiding on the dark side of an adjacent planet. However, a rogue psysker on Miix felt a bestial scream within warp space. A Chaos wizard was summoned and found that the toe ring was gone. Just before the rogue psyker was executed, he cast his conscience into the warp and revealed the location of the two Imperial ships retreating to home space. An attack fleet was immediately dispatched. This fleet consisted of the battleship “Emperor’s Testicle”, the battlecruiser “Bringer of Despair” and the cruisers “Chaos Eternus”, “Soulless”, “Hellspace” and “Injustice”. Along the Imperial escape route was a verdant planet Romney Place IV. On the dark side of it was hidden an Imperial Strike Fleet to unleash an ambush on the unsuspecting Chaos Fleet. This fleet included the battleship “Cardinal Boras” with its escort “Gold I”, the cruisers “Hammer of Justice” and “Zealous” and the light cruisers “Abdiel” and “Uziel”. Imperial spies had reported that the Chaos Sorcerer Hamilbran was aboard the “Emperor’s Testicle”. Not only would the Imperials have a chance to destroy the “Emperor’s Testicle” once and for all, but the Chaos Sorcerer could finally be dispatched forever. The SetUp: The Imperials started with the heavy cruiser “Hammer of Light” and the cruiser “Justicar” placed 12 spaces from the Chaos short board edge. On turn one, the Chaos forces would enter from their board edge. There were 6 ships of the Chaos Fleet entered the board on their edge after the Imperials moved. The Game: Turn One – Commodore Denny on his flagship “Hammer of Light” ordered ‘Full Ahead’ when his chief science officer announced she just picked up the signatures of the pursing Chaos fleet. Unfortunately, the helm did not respond. It appeared that an ethereal mynock had entered into the exhaust stack of one of the engines as they traversed warpspace. This allowed the Chaos fleet to quickly close the distance. Hamilbran barked out orders to fire all Lances at once in between biting off the heads of some tasty pokina birds. As the lasers cut through the ether, multiple hits were scored on the “Hammer of Light”. Its shields blocked some but could not stop 3 hits. Kapitan Ignacio Vilasoni aboard the “Abdiel” and cried out ‘Full Ahead’. However, his servisor droid reminded him that the order to attack was not yet issued by Imperial Commander Willows before his head exploded from a blaster round from Ignacio. You see, Ignacio’s cloned quarter brother was killed during the Lokhar Incident on Regulus Prime by Hamilbran. Turn Two – Commodore Denny ordered ‘Full Ahead’ after the pesky mynock carcass was removed. But the concussive field produced by the shields’ energy absorption form the enemy Lances slowed the ship down. The “Emperor’s Testicle” shot out its Lances again and scored 3 more hits on the “Hammer of Light”. Hamilbran smiled as he belched after swallowing his third bird. Not to be out done, Barkma Khan of the “Injustice” fired a mighty salvo from his guns and scored 4 hits of the “Justicar” and turned it into a drifting hulk. In the meantime, the ambushing Imperial ships endeavored to get into position. Turn Three – the “Hammer of Light” still tried to increase the range between them and the Chaos fleet. The “Injustice” fired a salvo and scored 3 hits on the “Abdiel”. Seeing an easy kill, Hamilbran ordered his “Emperor’s Testicle” to unleash its Lances. This proved too much for the “Abdiel” as it vaporized into millions of pieces. Turn Four – to avenge the “Abdiel” the “Zealous” launched a full barrage of torpedoes only to have them miss. The “Hammer of Light” still sought safety at their board edge. Turn Five – with rapidity, the “Bringer of Despair” unleashed a broadside onto the hapless “Gold 1” and it, too, was no more. Then the “Emperor’s Testicle” fired its Lances yet again and destroyed the “Uziel” Turn Six – the massacre continued as the “Soulless” shot at and destroyed the “Hammer of Justice”. But all was not lost since the “Hammer of Light” was able to exit the board. Aftermath: The Chaos Fleet turned for home after destroying 5 Imperial ships. It was a strategic victory for them. As for the Imperials, the “Hammer of Light” and “Cardinal Boras” returned to Rostov II and the Pleasure Toe Ring was handed over to the Inquisition. One could only guess as to what they had planned for it.
"The Bait" content media
Aug 23, 2022
In Games - Ideas & Planning
This is a pix of Turn 3 of Erewhon Gothic Horror that we left standing since the end of July. The Nosferatu split up. Edgett, the older of the 2, charged into the Monks of St. Donald's while Pierre charged into the Polizei. What ensued were 2 ferocious melees. I have been painting BFG furiously. Here is a long view of all of the ships that I have painted to date. The Imperial Fleet is fleshing out nicely. A Retribution class BB. Lunar class CA. A Murder class Chaos cruiser is caught in a Nova Cannon burst. A shield is falring when hit on the chaos flagship "The Emperor's Testicle" Imperial Transports. I am now working on fighter, bombers and assault ships.
This is what I have been doing 8/23/2022 content media
Jul 29, 2022
In Games - Ideas & Planning
Many of you have heard me talking about the 20th Anniversary Edition of GW's Battlefleet Gothic (BFG). Well I searched the internet to see what was out there. To my happy surprise I found a plethora of BFG ships in the old OOP metal and the new 3d printed plastic. After two weeks of almost constant painting, I finished my first fleet: a 1920 point Chaos Invasion Fleet. Here is a picture of it on a Hotz mat that I purchased over 20 years ago. The ships move in multiples of 5cm. Each square is 5cm. I had 4 huge fleets which I painted in 2002 but never played the game. I sold them off at various conventions over time. But the BFG bug got me again after I downloaded and started to read the BFG Rules and Fleets Remastered. Together, these tomes add up tp 700 pages! After I started painting them, I remembered how much fun I had painting in the detail on these superb models. The next pix is a 3d printed Repulsive Grand Cruiser. Next is a 3d printed Despoiler battleship. The price of an OOP original GW Despoiler is $99.00. The 3d printed one is only $17.00 and is just as detailed as the original. I treated myself to an original, boxed Desolator Battleship to be my Flag Ship. I dickered with the seller and got it down to $64.00. The model is metal and is so heavy I had to mount it using a 1/4" sheet metal screw driven through a fender washer. I went crazy on the detail, but am quite happy with it. Here is another view of it. The skulls were finnicky but well worth the effort! This is an "unofficial" ship which is a Chaos Idolator Raider with a launch deck. 3d printed of course. Next are some classic metal Raiders. I am now starting on my Imperial Fleet. Attached to it will be a Gray Knights Battle Barge of the Inquisition. Can't wait to see how that comes out. Anyone interested in getting into BFG Remastered, please lmk. The space mat is set up and I am anxious to blast off!
This is what I have been doing 7/28/2022 content media
Jul 07, 2022
In Games - Ideas & Planning
My brother has been showing off his new 3D resin printer. So he printed me 4 LVT(A)'s and a T-12 for my Palau Island Assault Campaign. These are the models. I printed up some custom decals so each LVT(A) has a nickname. Three of them are armed with 37mm AT gun. He also printed up 2 extra howitzer turret variants. Here is the same LVT(A) as the above with the howitzer turret. Here is the Ronson equipped flamethrower variant. I have also been expanding my 28mm Eastern Renaissance battle set with a 16 man unit of Wallachian Voynuk halberdiers. Since we are still in the throes of an ongoig pirate campaign, I pained up another captain. This figure is from Old Glory's 'Figure of the Month' club which I got years ago and recently found. Lastly, my brother set me an IJA light gun with crew. This will see combat in the Island Campaign. That's all for now. Did anyone say "A Billion Suns"?
This is what I have been doing 7/7/2022 content media
Jun 05, 2022
In Games - Ideas & Planning
The Pirate Bug still has in its grasp, so I have been expanding my armies by painting up the Firelock Games Native American army box. Here are some pix. I put some hefty sails on the Piragua to make it more seaworthy. I have also painted up more Spanish pirates. On the other side of the island, a Spanish Sloop has landed and disgorged its soldiers to the rear of the pirates. The next game will involve extricating the pirates from the jaws of the Natives/Spanish army. Many of you know that Gothic Horror is a pet project of mine. I am presently converting the Vampire Wars stats to the Erewhon system. In order to properly playtest, I needed to set up the proper terrain. Hence, I resurrected my City of Bodenburg to set the stage. Here are some pix. When I first saw these at a past H-Con I fell in love with them. I purchased the whole city from MBA. Unfortunately, the boxes took up all the room in my car's rear seat, so one of my travel buddies, Jim Gursha, had to find an alternate ride home! Here, the alarm was sounded that 2 Nosferatu were sighted in St. Biden's Cemetery. The pastor of St. Donald's Church immediately dispensed 2 clerical anti-vamp hit squats to deal with the supernatural threat. Not to be out done, the local Burgermeister, sent out the Polizei to help out. Here are the nefarious Nosferatu! St. Biden's Cemetery The stage is set. Word gets out to the townspeople. Here they wait in the town square to hear from BurgerMeister Meisterburger. The Burgermeister gives his spiel. The town councilor stands by his side to make sure the Burgermeister doesn't put his foot in his mouth........again!! With the gathering of the townsfolk, some enterprising gustatorial purveyors offer some comfort food for sale. A good vigilante posse should have a full stomach of pidgeon pie and ale before taking on a supernatural villain! Anyone interested in playtesting this scenario, please contact me. All are welcome. Please don't forget to bring the garlic!
This is what I have been doing......... content media



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